This new nursery in Spain seems to display many of the desired qualities required in an early childhood centre...
The copious amout of light allowed to flood into the interior, solar panels for enery, slidable windows at all heights for the teachers and children to control themselves (allowing a degree of interaction for the children - for play), and blank walls for children to decorate with their artistic creations.
The centre displays a typical "prefab" temporary looking structure and classroom typology, it's form certainly not breaking any kind of new ground.
The empty, and seemingly large vast spaces do not scream homely or nurturing environments. The scale of the bag hooks looking out of place with the wider spatial environment.
The materials - lino and wood look...plastic, hard and cold.
The different different use of (artificial) materials looks drab and uninspiring and disconnected to the furniture (well...lack of furniture).
Where is the greenery? The primary colours....well...
The added element of primary colour square intrusions into the exterior wall seem to be added as an afterthought to say "hey, we're a children's centre". The building sits right on the streets edge...
Is this an architecture that takes children seriously and nurtures their being? Somehow I don't think so...
Images taken from ArchDaily. Photographs by Adrià Goula
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