Designed by Towill Design Group, Reggio-inspired Brisbane-based St Pauls Kindergarten derives out of the centres' ethos that celebrates the child and his or hers thoughts, ideas and way of perceiving the world.

Every design decision considers the child.
The architects not only worked with the staff when tackling the new build, but involved the children who explored ideas through drawing.

The children's drawn ideas for their new EC centre are displayed on the windows, which wrap around the entire building.
The centre is deliberately situated within close proximity to the Primary School, thus easing the transition for the child from kindergarten to school.

The classroom employes a number of techniques to delineate the space and it's functional use. A large circular mat encourages the children to sit and play together informally, while tables are set up which focus on a particular task. The space is kept flexible with moveable furniture and partitions.