Japanese (and early childhood specialist) architects HIBINOSEKKEI and Youji no Shiro are at it again with the MK-S Nursery - a small (160sqm) centre that inhabits an existing residence and disused 2-storey shop.
Restoring the existing fabric of the building with new ply internal linings and a perforated "starry" metal screen with house and square shaped windows the result is a tidy and yet fun new building for the community's young children.

The low-grade (so cheap) plywood lining walls are thickly framed - allowing deep silled windows to sit in/on and for dividing walls to contain functional storage.

Note the deep sills in which kids can climb up onto and look out at the street. The "hidden" door clad in the same ply and made flush is a clever detail also.
The palette is simple - with ply lining, some painted with shades of blue, engineered timber flooring and plasterboard ceilings - yet rich and warm.

It is a fine example of how to convert an existing dwelling with seemingly little effort into a rich and inviting space for young children.
Via TrendHunter.